On 3/29/02 10:40 AM, "Peter Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 30 Mar 2002 02:36, Danny Angus wrote:
>>> Now that you can (well, soon) legally implement JSR47's, you
>>> might was well
>>> support their interfaces and semantics, and then 'embrace and
>>> extend'.  Just
>>> do the JSR47 stuff better :)
>> Could Log4J now become an RI of JSR47 ? (I'm still not completely clear
>> about all this..)
> Not really and nor could you "embrace and extend". Soon we will be allowed
> access to the TCKs (fingers crossed) which means we can implment the spec
> legally. However there has not been any change to any of the licenses
> regarding the specification materials which means it is still a violation of
> the license if you were to try and "corrupt" a spec or "embrace and extend" a
> spec by poorly-implementing it (and failing the TCK). However now we can at
> least implement the spec(s).

I can't believe that's true.

I can't see how they can prevent you from extending.  I mean, every J2EE
implementation 'embraces and extends' the J2EE spec because the specs leave
out a lot.  For example, you can't make a really useful JMS broker until you
add proprietary extensions for clustering, load balancing, etc...  Anyone
that includes any functioning taglibs with a servlet container / jsp
implementation is extending the spec as there are no useful tags in the

I can't see how anyone can complain if you pass the TCK.


Geir Magnusson Jr.                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
Be a giant.  Take giant steps.  Do giant things...

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