Leo Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> > There are things I like about Centipede, too, e.g. the cents, and I think
>> > there could be a lot of synergy between maven and centipede, e.g. the skins
>> > side of things is something I'd like to see with maven, but looking @ POI's
>> > site under Linux, the stylesheets need some work :)
>> Andrew, consider using the CSS from the Tigris Style project
>> <http://style.tigris.org/>.  It's a new project, but already in use in
>> several major OSS code bases, including Maven, Scarab, and Eyebrowse.
> I looked at these and they're a major pain in the *** to modify - you
> have to modify code in 3 places in 3 files or something for every change
> you wish to make; css classes are used more widely than their naming
> implies, etc.

Yes, the initial package was not easy to work with.  Todd has
addressed this somewhat in the latest CVS.  Another RC will be
forthcoming Real Soon (tm).

> While this is a very plausible effort and I would like to help out, I
> found it too difficult to figure out where to start so ended up
> reworking some design I had lying around to do a quick demo. People
> liked that a lot and it got used in POI. While cross-browser support is
> somewhat worse, the sheet is generally clean enough to understand.
> It'd be cool if the style.tigris.org stuff got some docs and a little
> refactoring so I could take those as a basis to start from and do some
> tweaking. As it stands, such 'tweaking' would be a maintainance
> nightmare.

There is some minimal documentation now, and the CSS files are now not
so difficult to deal with.

>> The CSS was developed primarily by Todd Fahrner (a co-worker of mine
>> who did a bit of work on the spec), and has excellent cross browser
>> and accessiblity support.
> I would have to disagree on the accessibility. Without going into
> details (most of you wouldn't be interested), I found it too difficult
> to figure out where to submit what kind of patch.
> Maybe in a few weeks...

If you just comment on the dev list <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
it's likely Todd would take your recommendations.

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