Federico wrote:
I cannot "compute" finished + software together.

software is like a live creature, more so a project.

You are really starting, now that you are planning to have "true" users
and go out to "the real world" ;-)


Sorry for my english but probably in my language I can tell you better about
this project,
that is already in the "world" not real but academic because this started
from a project
for an exam.

I was thinking that just programming is not at all the difficult part of a software project. I have written thousands of lines of code that where never used, because the project died by lack of funding and I was not able to carry the code to other projects, because the company wanted for me to pay the whole cost of something that was essentially useles, as it was much cheaper to rewrite it.

This, by the way, was the "revelation", that convinced me to the "Open Source Ways", a bit in the same way of the printer driver story that I've heard RMS tell.

A project requires:

* A Vision
* A need fulfilled (the itch)
* Users that will like "the way" how it works (for one reason or the other, be it simplicity of design, economy of resources, stability, cost, or even features ;-)
+ Management to keep it evolving and avoid it falling into pieces in the contrast between the needs of the users and the needs of the design
* Some "brand" that makes it easy for people to remember it exists
* Documentation
* A evolving developer team to fix bugs, document and re-structure code on a continuous base
* ... and a bit of code

You seem to have "the itch" ( a caching proxy in java), and a name "Puff" (I like it a lot). You seem to be a group. This is what you have.

Do you have the rest of the things? Is it competitive in design, ideas, simpliticy, etc?

You should look for similar projects and study their status and design.

For instance, a proxy need a http client implementation (as well as an http server implementation).

You could look at how tomcat implements its server-to-client connections, and look at http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/index.html for an http client.

When you have a clear idea of where your project stands (better, lacking, a good part but..., cleaner design, etc.) you can go back to these communities, or here, and argue for your position.

If the people in httpclient or in other projects (tomcat looks too big as a starting point, but...) gets convinced that your code is good, then you have a starting point. If they don't, and you still think you have something good, keep on trying.

Now, I got serious. Sorry for the previous joke


P.S.) If you have problems with the english to express you, but you believe that the project is worth it, you can try sending mail to some Italian commiters or members (look at the people.html page in Apache) in Italian, or even to me (I'm Spanish, but I think I'll understand it).


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