On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Sam Ruby wrote:

> Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> > Can you get Mark Wutka to state that his LGPL explicitly permits linking
> > and that section 6 of the LGPL does not apply to end users, etc etc?  Is
> > he the copyright holder?
> >
> > If so than you should be good to go (from my understanding).  (As the
> > copyright holder he can explicitly address the issues that are of concern)
> Andy, are you stating that in your legal opinion a verbal agreement
> superceedes a written license?

A verbal [email] agreement from the copyright owner? :)

It would be so nice if something nice and simple could be used to stop
LGPL pain.

> How are your dicussions with Richard Stallman going?

How much are ringside tickets?

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