This is now fixed to:

Eric Raymond and Rick Moen have even written an essay entitled "Asking
Smart Questions" precisely on this topic. Although somewhat militant, it
is definitely worth reading.
Note: Please do not send your Java problems to the two authors, follow the
essay's advice and choose your forum carefully.



On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Henri Yandell wrote:

> Will fix.
> On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Rick Moen wrote:
> > I realise it's difficult to discern legitimate mail from spam, etc.
> > arriving at webmaster aliases, but this request has been fallen through
> > the cracks for more a month, and I'd appreciate some help on it.
> >
> > ----- Forwarded message from rick -----
> >
> > Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 15:50:42 -0700
> > Subject: Link to my and ESR's "Asking Smart Questions" page
> >
> > Hi there!  I'm trying to reach the editor of the
> > page, which links to "How To
> > Ask Questions The Smart Way",
> > .
> >
> > Your page says:
> >
> >    Ask smart questions.
> >    Every volunteer project obtains its strength from the people involved
> >    in it. You are welcome to join any of our mailing lists. You can
> >    choose to lurk, or actively participate; it's up to you. The level of
> >    community responsiveness to specific questions is generally directly
> >    proportional to the amount of effort you spend formulating your
> >    question. Eric Raymond has even written an essay entitled "Asking
> >    Smart Questions" [link] precisely on this topic. Although somewhat
> >    militant, it is definitely worth reading.
> >
> > Two things:
> >
> > (1) As you'll see if you take a closer look, it's actually co-written by
> > Eric _and me_.  I'd appreciate your fixing that.
> >
> > (2) Since you guys posted the above text, probably some time in 2001,
> > both Eric and I have been barraged with e-mail by novice Java coders,
> > asking us to help them debug their code or solve their Java technical
> > problems.  I've been trying for two years to chase down where all these
> > Java-heads got the addled notion to write _us_, and I _think_ the
> > proximate cause is the aforementioned hyperlink.
> >
> > Eric at least knows some Java, while I know very little, but neither of
> > us appreciates having utter strangers (essentially) try to lob their
> > homework at us.  (And, no offence intended, but I don't even _like_
> > Java.)  Their doing so isn't your fault, but it would be really nice if
> > you would add something like:
> >
> >   Note:  Do NOT send your Java problems to that FAQ's authors.
> >   They welcome feedback on the FAQ's contents, but are simply
> >   not a Java help resource.
> >
> > The crowning irony is that one of our FAQ's very first sections is:
> >
> >     When You Ask
> >     Choose your forum carefully
> >
> > --
> > Cheers,     Founding member of the Hyphenation Society, a grassroots-based,
> > Rick Moen   not-for-profit, locally-owned-and-operated, cooperatively-managed,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]     modern-American-English-usage-improvement association.
> >
> > ----- End forwarded message -----
> >
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