Whatever the "fate" of the name Jakarta and/or Commons you can reliably assume the content housed at what is now called Apache Jakarta will persist. If it is the case that a "reorganization" or "regrouping" of PMC's does occur in response to "growing pains", this is not going to result in any risk to the existence of the individual subprojects themselves. I don't think its "unreasonable" to propose a donation to a new/existing subproject. If down the road changes occur to the organization of groups, I'm sure there will be much sensitivity to maintaining the neccessities that the individual sub-projects require.


Stephen Colebourne wrote:

As some of you may know, I look after my own date and time code in Java at
www.joda.org. I had been hoping to bring this code to Apache, as I believe
it to be a very good fit with developments within Jakarta/Jakarta-commons.

Today I decided not to pursue this option for the time being, until the
situation with Jakarta's future is resolved. Instead I applied for a new
sourceforge project to house it more cleanly.

Why post this here? Because I believe that others may also be questioning
the value of Jakarta. I confess that I have no idea what, or if, Jakarta
will look like in 6 months time. Certainly it made no sense to me to attempt
to get a new project adopted by Jakarta at the moment.


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