No worries, mate. The Apache License is the ultimate hedge. No matter what happens, you can always set up the source someplace else. The most you could possibly lose would be the product name, and, realistically, if there wasn't a community behind the product, Apache wouldn't want it anyway :)

As an Apache Committer, you can setup a product in the Jakarta Commons sandbox whenever you want. (Just like SourceForge.) If you can interest other people in the product, and build a community to support it, the product can be promoted to the Commons Proper -- or even to the top-level of Jakarta or the ASF, depending on the product's extent.

The thing to keep in mind is that you are not donating code to Jakarta. You are donating it to the Apache Software Foundation. The ASF is here to stay, as are all of its products, no matter where they are hosted. As long as a product has a vital, meritocratic community, it's sure to have a home at the ASF.

Of course, SourceForge is also a fine place to host a project. I often choose SourceForge when the people I'm working with are not ASF Committers. This in itself is a good reason to choose SourceForge: you can't add ASF Committers at will. ASF Committers must have demonstrated a sustained interest in the project and an understanding of the Apache Way. Usually this is a good thing, but sometimes it is not.

As far as anything else goes: This too shall pass, but open source and the Apache License endure.


Stephen Colebourne wrote:
As some of you may know, I look after my own date and time code in Java at I had been hoping to bring this code to Apache, as I believe
it to be a very good fit with developments within Jakarta/Jakarta-commons.

Today I decided not to pursue this option for the time being, until the
situation with Jakarta's future is resolved. Instead I applied for a new
sourceforge project to house it more cleanly.

Why post this here? Because I believe that others may also be questioning
the value of Jakarta. I confess that I have no idea what, or if, Jakarta
will look like in 6 months time. Certainly it made no sense to me to attempt
to get a new project adopted by Jakarta at the moment.


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