I second Matthew's suggestion that we create a repository that works with Maven as it is.

Create the directory /www/www.apache.org/repository/, this repository will contain soft links to jars and other deliverables we wish to distriute to ibilio and other repositories. After a certain period of time, we can ask that whomever maintains the ibiblio repository use this source as the ASF's authoritative collection of distributables for Maven.

This doesn't prevent others from thinking about other ways to create a repository - like Ruper, or the ever active repository mailing list, but it solves a practical problem which is preventing progress for many..... immediately.


__matthewHawthorne wrote:

In this thread:
http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&by=thread&from=563250

The idea of a Maven repository located on an ASF machine was discussed. It seems like something that is doable, and also has been requested by the ASF.

I would like to make this happen, but I am not sure what the official
steps to take are.  If a request has to be made to infrastructure, I
read that someone from a PMC has to do it.

Here are the steps that I can see:

1) Choose a machine, and create the directory.

2) Choose the URL to map the repo to
(something like maven.apache.org/repository ?)

3) Possibly modify Maven to search this repository as well as ibiblio by

4) Modify nightly build script(s) to deploy to this directory as well
as others, so that all nightlies and SNAPSHOTs could be instantly available.

The last time I mentioned this, a few people pointed me to the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] project, which seems to be defining a
next-generation repository structure for Maven and other uses.  This
looks great, but I'm interested in something that will work with Maven
right now.

I think this is long overdue, since Apache projects that have been
released for months are still not available on ibiblio.  We need an
easier way.

Anyone else interested? How can we make this happen? Thanks for any help!

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