On Mon, 2005-06-27 at 19:37 +0200, Torsten Curdt wrote:
> > Pardon my ignorance, but if Web were a subproject under Jakarta
> > Commons, could Web itself have subprojects?
> AFAIK there is no project that has such subproject.
> ...but that does not mean it's completely impossible.
> Probably needs to be discussed.

please, please no sub-sub-projects!

apache has been trying to unwind the deep hierarchical structure (that
jakarta used to have) for several years now in favour of a flatter
model. the reason is simple: hierarchical structures tend to fragment
and create problems with oversight. this issue of oversight is of
critical importance for the board (and anyone else who cares about the
future of the foundation). 

projects and sub-projects are constructs for legal oversight and
management. one of the issues for a flatter jakarta is guiding uses
through a myriad of components managed by a single community of
developers. all components are equal but the management structure and
the relationship structure expressed by the website navigation do not
necessarily need to coincide. 

- robert

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