I'm not a huge fan of any of the names on the list, but I think names like 
Webementels is a very .com-late-90's kind of name.  I've been doing web 
development for a while now, and my first reaction to products with names like 
that is to shy away from them, to not take them very seriously.  I think a 
solid, descriptive name is the way to go.  (The same goes for Weblets in the 
list.  It just sounds a bit....amateurish.)
I'm with the others who think we should avoid Commons unless we are actually a 
part of commons.  
Weblibs sounds too much like Taglibs.  It might be confusing for new people 
when they first see the name.
I like Web Components the best so far.


From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat 6/25/2005 11:04 PM
To: Jakarta General List
Cc: Jakarta General List
Subject: Re: Name for commons-like area for web

I found this comment interesting:

"What about something less definite and more 'code word'?  What about not
having the word 'web'? 'Arctic' or 'Telsa' or something completely
meaningless but catchier than 'Web .*$"

I think if a proper name is choosen along these lines, the result is
something better than the relatively pedestrian names currently being
bandied about (not that any of them are especially bad, just a little,

How about something like "Webementals", fusing Web and Elementals
(signifying pieces that combine to form a larger whole)?

I think a "code word"-type name is more interesting and meorable (once a
person knows what its all about), but it should still have some connection
to what the project is all about.  The argument against of course is that
you won't know at a glance what its all about.  I think something clever
enough can overcome this and still be a bit more exciting.  Just my
opinion (who else' would it be?!?)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Sat, June 25, 2005 2:22 pm, Stephen Colebourne said:
> There doesn't seem to be a thread for this....
> The current suggestions are:
>   Commons Web
>   Jakarta Web Parts for Java (JWP4J)
>   Web App Commons
>   Web App Components
>   Web App Modules
>   Web Bricks
>   Web Commons
>   Web Components
>   Web Libs
>   Web Parts
>   Web Tools
>   Weblets
> Of these, WebParts has issues with Microsoft, so I would suggest we
> avoid it. Weblets was also used by IBM back in 2000, so could have issues.
> The most obvious would be CommonsWeb or WebCommons, as the general user
> community could link the concept to commons easily enough. However,
> there is a danger that it could be confusing precisely because of that.
> Thus, my current top three are:
> - WebLibs
> - WebCommons
> - WebBricks
> but I can still be persuaded.
> We do need to decide this though. Only then can mailing list discussion
> move off jakarta general and coding get started.
> Stephen
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