Hi Phil,

On 6/23/06, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

With his permission, I am forwarding an excerpt from a recent post from
Roy Fielding, in response to questions about a proposed "Security" TLP
originating out of the XML project.   The concerns he raises below all
pretty much apply directly to Testing.

That post pretty much explain the umbrella issue; it would be nice to
have it somewhere on Apache's site, so it can be used in other

Could be the right approach here is to limit it to Cactus + Jmeter, or even have
them each TLP separtately.

That was Hen's original idea, but it faded away as these projects
didn't feel confident enough to have a TLP of their own (for instance,
I'm pretty much the only active Cactus committer right now, and not
that active; JMeter is being more active commmitter-wide, but they
were not willing to be TLPed alone). OTOH, we had drawn the attention
of more people - many of them current Jakarta PMC members, like Rahul,
Dion and Yoav - once we pushed the testing TLP, so maybe the
JMeter+Cactus TLP could be doable now, although it still requires some
decisions/definitions (see below).

I think the key is really point 1. above as well as Roy's argument below about 
claiming dominion over a topical area.

Ok, I agree. So, let's say we decide to promote Cactus+JMeter to a TLP
of their own, but not the broad "testing.apache.org"; I have 3

1.What should it be named ?
2.What exactly do these 2 projects have in common so they can be
grouped together?
3.Could the TLP accept more projects? What's the criteria?

Here are my preliminary answers:

2.This is the crucial point and ca be the guide for 1 and 3. Consider
the project originated from Jakarta, whose roots come from the Java in
the server side, we could work on something related to "Java EE
Testing" or "Server-side Java Testing".
1.I'm too bad on naming (JCacter? MetrusJ? :-).
3.My guess is that once 2 is answered, we would have a criteria for
letting new projects be incorporated to the TLP.

Roy Fielding on 6/22:

A federation is simply an umbrella project with no significant
responsibilities of its own -- all of its projects report directly
to the board and simply view the federation as a communal thing.
I think XML and Jakarta should already fall into that category.
Starting one is just like starting a project, except that the
purpose is limited to community/commons like things and not actual
products. "

Please forgive my ignorance, but I didn't understand this conclusion:
does it means we could have testing as a 'federation TLP'? Os does the
federation concept would apply to the Cactus+JMeter project?


-- Felipe

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