On 2/23/07, Julius Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, Jakarta-General,

Let's vote on where to put this code!  Here's the code right now:


Forgive my newbieness; I hope these are the right options:

[] Sub-module in Httpcomponents.

IMO it would have to pass through incubation before this could happen

[] Sandbox.

The sandbox is open only to ASF committers. IIRC, you're not (yet) a

[+1] Full Incubator.

+1. IMO this is the correct and appropriate path.

Martin Cooper

[-1] "not-yet-commons-ssl" is not a good project for Apache because...

I'm fine with majority rules, assuming there are no "-1" votes.

Some background:


"The code grant for the not yet commons SSL (formerly named
commons-ssl), has been completed, so we can progress to having a vote
where SSL should end up on general and based on that result take the
correct incubator path (legal / full incubation)."

Let's just get this vote out of the way, and then we can move on to
other issues in the appropriate venue (HttpComponents, or Sandbox, or

My original proposal to "jakarta-general" about the project is here:

Yesterday I released "not-yet-commons-ssl-0.3.7".  Changes described
at the bottom of this email.  My intention is for 0.3.7 to be the last
release outside of Apache.

By the way, there's one undocumented feature of common-ssl that's been
quite fun:





ps.  My vote is:

[+0] - Abstaining because I'm too much of a newb to really understand
what I'm voting for.

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