Since there is no stated end date to this vote: Please let
it (or it's replacement) run until at least March 4th.
Oleg will be working through a mail backlog that week-end.

If this vote thread should be replaced next week, I will not
be able to re-cast my vote until the week-end of March 10/11.

> [X] Jakarta should sponsor (which effectively states we like to see the code 
> end up here)
> [ ] Jakarta shouldn't sponsor (which effectively means it will end up TLP)

> [X] commons as a component
> [ ] httpcomponents as a component
> [ ] subproject directly under Jakarta
> [ ] integrate / merge code into project xxx (please replace x) (so not a 
> subcomponent of a project!)

> [ ] I am willing to mentor (you need to be on the Incubator PMC / Member of 
> the ASF)
> [ ] I want to get involved in coding
> [X] No interest in getting involved.


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