I have a technical issue in jakarta tomcat.  I have installed jakarta tomcat 
and can view and execute the JSP examples and Servlets on 
http://localhost:8080.  I have added the environment variables for 
CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME.  I have added the context for my project in 
server.xml.  My project is in folder X located at c:\  My server.xml entry is 
<context path="/X" docBase="c:\X" debug="0"/>
My problem is that when I type http://localhost:8080/X I am getting
HTTP Status 404 - /AlliedAutoParts

type Status report
message /X
description The requested resource (/X) is not available.

Apache Tomcat/5.0.28
Can anyone advise on a possible solution?  If there is any other mailing 
address for technical issues please advise.


Richard Dunne.

Get your own web address.  
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

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