On 5/10/07, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * "Multiple PMCs, one website. So we'd have Java Commons, Ruby
> Commons, BobsYourUncle Commons PMCs, and they'd all share a
> commons.apache.org website."

This one was definitely a random suggestion. If we reach a point of
impasse with another commons wanting to start, then I (with board hat
on) think the solution would be to have multiple PMCs and 1 website.
Or maybe that really means a portal and a site behind it. All
hypothetical though - XML Commons is dead, DB Commons never happened
and WS Commons is afaik not highly active. We do own the Commons space

The suggestion may have been random, but it's sound. We already have
three ASF Commons group, Jakarta, XML, and Web Services. At one point,
some of were working on a dotnet proposal

* http://opensource.atlassian.com/confluence/oss/display/commonsnet/Home

It would be niave to believe that the ASF will not want to create
another Commons for another language. To clear that path, we only need
to include a modifier in the project name as well as the website

As much as I would like to believe we could create a multi-language
Commons project, it just doesn't seem like a realistic goal.
Experience shows that we can have multi-language products (iBATIS,
Logging, Lucene), but experience also indicates that we can't have
multi-language projects with multiple products (Jakarta).

I would suggest that the reasonable path would seem to be to

* keep the focus of the Jakarta Commons PMC on Java,
* keep "Jakarta" in the new project name, and
* use jakarta-commons.apache.org as the host name.


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