On Mon, 21 May 2007, Henri Yandell wrote:
Don't your jars contain the version number too?

Yeah, everything seems to :/

The most recent release types I've done are the type where you create the exact release and put it in your ~login where it's voted on. I like this because it makes the actual release extremely easy. The biggest downsides are a) someone might be idiotic and use a random jar from a ~login and b) if you have the release date in there somewhere you have to use the day the vote ends.

That makes sense as a plan. While the rc has -final- in the artificat names, you can put it in a directory called -rc, and add a readme. Since you're probably just going to include the url to the files in the vote email to -dev (who ought to know what it means), it strikes me it ought to be fine.

I've updated the poi release guide to follow your method, so we'll have to see how it works for 3.0.1!


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