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You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Logging Wiki" for 
change notification.

The "Log4j2ReleaseGuide" page has been changed by RalphGoers:

   1. Run {{{mvn -P release-notes generate-resources}}} to create the release 
   1. Update {{{src/changes/changes.xml}}} with the release date.
   1. Run {{{git add, git commit, and git push}}} to commit the 
{{{RELEASE-NOTES.txt}}} file that was just generated.
-  1. Run {{{mvn -P apache-release release:prepare release:perform 
-DreleaseVersion=n.n -DdevelopmentVersion=n.n-SNAPSHOT}}} to start the release. 
Enter the password to your signing key when prompted.
+  1. Run {{{mvn -P apache-release release:prepare release:perform 
-DreleaseVersion=n.n -DdevelopmentVersion=n.n-SNAPSHOT -Dtag=log4j-n.n-rcn}}} 
to start the release. Enter the password to your signing key when prompted.
   1. Login to using your ASF credentials. Select 
"Staging Repositories" then check the {{{org.apache.logging}}} repository and 
close it.
   1. Check out the release tag that was created via the Maven release plugin 
using {{{git checkout tags/tagname}}}.
   1. Run {{{mvn site}}} in the tag directory. When that completes run {{{mvn 
site:stage -DstagingDirectory=$HOME/log4j}}} where {{{$HOME}}} is your home 
@@ -64, +64 @@

      a. Provide the command to download all the artifacts: {{{wget -e 
robots=off --cut-dirs=3 -r -p -np --no-check-certificate $LINK}}} where 
{{{$LINK}}} is the URL to the repository you just closed (plus the 
{{{org/apache/logging/log4j/}}} path appended).
      a. Provide a list of the artifacts by copying from the email notification 
sent from the Nexus Repository.<<FootNote(Nexus has not been sending this email 
for the past few releases at least)>>
   1. If the release vote fails proceed as described in the section below, 
otherwise if it passes:
+     a. Create a new tag named log4j-n.n from the log4j-n.n-rcn tag.
      a. Download all the distribution files from the Nexus repository (you can 
download using the wget above and then going to the distribution sub-directory).
      a. Rename the distribution files back to their original names (Maven 
renamed them when they were deployed to Nexus) using {{{for f in 
log4j-distribution-*; do mv $f $(echo $f | sed 
's/^log4j-distribution-/apache-log4j-/g'); done}}}
      a. Delete the {{{*.asc.md5}}} and {{{*.asc.sha1}}} files and {{{*.pom*}}}.

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