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The "Log4j2ReleaseGuide" page has been changed by RalphGoers:

  Before beginning your first release, take the following preparatory steps:
+  1. Run {{{mvn clean install}}} on the project to make sure it will build 
+  1. Run {{{mvn -P rat -DskipTests verify}}} to verify all the licenses are 
   1. Login to using your ASF credentials. Click 
on your username in the upper-right-hand corner and click Profile. Make sure 
your email address is correct. If not, contact Infra to get it corrected. You 
will be unable to get the necessary notifications until it's corrected.
   1. Make sure you have a 4096-bit RSA PGP key pair for code signing. The 
public key should be published in a public repository, preferably Also make sure the public key is published to
   1. Edit {{{~/.m2/settings.xml}}} to add the corresponding private key and 
its passphrase to your settings. Also add the Apache Subversion server 
credentials and Sonatype repository credentials to your settings (this is your 
ASF credentials). You'll want to blank out the passphrase after each release 
and fill it back in prior to each release so that it isn't compromised.
@@ -52, +54 @@

   1. Run {{{mvn -P release-notes generate-resources}}} to create the release 
   1. Update {{{src/changes/changes.xml}}} with the release date.
   1. Run {{{git add, git commit, and git push}}} to commit the 
{{{RELEASE-NOTES.txt}}} file that was just generated.
+  1. Run {{{mvn site}}} followed by {{{mvn site:stage 
-DstagingDirectory=$HOME/log4j}}} where {{{$HOME}}} is your home directory and 
verify that the site looks good.
   1. Run {{{mvn -P apache-release release:prepare release:perform 
-DreleaseVersion=n.n -DdevelopmentVersion=n.n-SNAPSHOT -Dtag=log4j-n.n-rcn}}} 
to start the release. Enter the password to your signing key when prompted.
   1. Login to using your ASF credentials. Select 
"Staging Repositories" then check the {{{org.apache.logging}}} repository and 
close it.
   1. Check out the release tag that was created via the Maven release plugin 
using {{{git checkout tags/tagname}}}.

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