
Yes, Solr can search all the content you mention, but to do so you'll have to extract the content and push it into Solr. This is done using 'connectors' and there are various open source and commercial alternatives: too many to list here but I'd take a look at Apache ManifoldCF as a starting point. Solr itself doesn't come with any of these built in.

Solr doesn't cost anything to download - it's freely available under an open source license. However there are certainly other costs to consider: if you don't have the skills in-house you'll need to train your team or hire someone (which might be hard as those with these skills are rare and well-paid) or engage a consultancy (disclaimer: I work for OpenSource Connections which is one of these consultancies). As to operation, you'll need to host it somewhere but that's the only cost you'll have apart from the people who'll run it.

As it seems you're at the start of your journey I can recommend you a few resources: - the free Search Insights reports (2018, 2019, 2020) linked from https://opensourceconnections.com/blog/2020/02/27/search-insights-2020-a-new-report-from-the-search-network/ have a wealth of information on planning and running search projects including directories
- https://manifoldcf.apache.org/



On 14/04/2020 17:05, Ecsődi Katalin wrote:

My company is aming to handle all its knowledge management assets on an
unified platform. For this purpose we are looking for a software that can
search in realtime among sets of information of different type, structure
and/or location.

We have found that *Apache Solr* might be suitable for this task.

*We would be interested to know about the capabilities of Apapche Solr*:

-          Is it capable to performing searches with short response time
(”real time”) among our knowledge management assets?
This includes assets by the following applications:

o   Confluence: a local application with various type of attachments (png,
.pdf, .doc, .html, etc.)

o   HP Service Manager: handling incoming tasks and their solutions,
including attachments (picture, text, e-mail, etc.)

o   Sharepoint sites within our local network, with various type of
attachments (png, .pdf, .doc, .html, etc.)

o   Microsoft OneNote: information without a structure, typically user
specific, Notepad-like files.

o   JIRA: handling incoming tasks and their solutions, including
attachments (picture, text, e-mail, etc.)

o   DokuWiki

o   information stored in Microsoft Outlook

-          In what way can it connect to the aforementioned applications?
The applications must be operatable independantly.

Regarding price:

●        Is there any costs

○        during installation? (e.g. cost of software, cost of consultation,

○        during operation?

Thank for anybody’s help in advance!


Katalin Ecsődi


Charlie Hull
OpenSource Connections, previously Flax

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