Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> David Huynh wrote:
> [snip]
>> The "interactive session" is different from the normal server session. 
>> If you open two browser tabs or two browser windows pointing to 2 
>> different backstaged exhibits, you have only 1 server session but 2 
>> "interactive sessions". If there is no interactive session concept, your 
>> interactions with those 2 exhibits will get mixed up. This is a 
>> technical challenge not too often encountered in web applications.
> What's the difference between such 'interactive sessions' and a webapp 
> continuation?
I think they both boil down to the same implementation--basically some 
ID to identify a particular ongoing transaction. Conceptually, however, 
it's easier for me personally to think about interactive sessions than 
about continuations. It shouldn't be too hard to re-factor it to use 


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