

The Web Maestro a écrit :
> Howdy folks,
> Jay Bryant has been an active member of the Apache XML Graphics
> Project's fop-users@ and fop-dev@ communities for the last few years.
> Aside from frequently answering newbie questions, he also submits
> actual xsl-fo code to help. I'm also excited to note, that Jay
> recently posted a note showing a desire to add Named Destinations for
> all IDs [1]!
> I'd like to propose Jay as an XML Graphics committer (FOP working
> set). I believe he will be a solid addition to our work force.
> Votes only on general@xmlgraphics.apache.org please.
> +1 from me.
> [1]
> http://www.nabble.com/Adding-Named-Destinations-for-all-IDs-tf3078009.html

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