On Saturday 26 March 2005 14:47, Mark Constable wrote:
> Is anyone else successfully using a udev-only system on amd64 or
> is this a general/amd64 wide issue (and not just for me) ?

Seeing as how udev implies udev-only (udev and devfs are mututally exclusive), 
I suspect many people have udev-only setups...
The first time I tried moving to udev, it was nothing but headaches, so I 
switched back quite quickly. A few weeks ago, when I tried again, it seemed 
to work, so I'm now using a udev system... However, CD/DVD burning is an 
issue for me: One drive will burn only if cdrecord is *not* setuid root, the 
other will not burn at all.

I do not use an initrd, so there's one major difference between your system 
and mine. Have you tried rebuilding the initrd lately?
Developer, Utopios

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