
I am not sure if this list is the appropriate place to file a bug
report, but the problem does need confirmation before I go through

After building a working amd64 system using the latest portage tree,
I emerged my favorite text editor, cooledit,  version 3.17.17  To my
surprise, any cut/copy/paste operation immediately caused a crash.
Fortunately, the error messages were quite informative and allowed me
to quickly find the cause.  A call to "open" in the file widget/editcmd.c
of the cooledit source does not include the mode parameter.  Somehow,
with the latest libraries, this missing parameter causes the crash.
The attached patch file, missing_mode.patch, will fix the problem.

Apply with: patch -p1 < missing_mode.patch.  The gentoo sources
include a few other patches as well that are also necessary,
especially the gcc4 patch.

But, as I mentioned, it would be beneficial if this problem could
be confirmed.  Cooledit is not the most popular text editor but
maybe someone also uses it or is willing to test it.

If someone can confirmn this, then I can file a bugreport with
gentoo bugzilla.

Frank Peters

Attachment: missing_mode.patch
Description: Binary data

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