
Once more, I come before you with sad tidings. Evil anti-gentoo
conspirators are plotting to destroy our
wonderful distribution. Yet again they tried to subvert quality and
integrity of our distribution by falsely
claiming that certain packages build and run *gasp* stable *gasp* on
platforms said saboteurs apparently
do not even have access to.

This time many packages in dev-dotnet were marked testing / stable on
all arches, but thanks to the
valiant struggles of our tireless arch teams, at least SPARC and MIPS
have now been rescued from the
iniquity of the apostate traitors on the x86 monoarchist payroll. Other
arches have also been warned, and
hopefully will be in time to save themselves, or at least recover the
damages in timely manner.


For how long will we tolerate these wreckers among us? How much more
patience shall we show?
It is about time to stop such behavior once and for all! Let us join
against the forces of evil and deal
it a crushing defeat!

    Death to vermin!

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