Thank you for the opportunity. Apparently though, my submissions have
already been rejected Ciaran. It's important to realize that the
submissions were intended to AID the developers, not to necessarily be
PERFECT in every way.

Of course they have been criticized by Ciaran. In case you didn't know, he does this for *every* maintainer-wanted ebuild. They are only rejected as long as they have problems. If you fix them, they will be accepted if some dev takes responsibility for them, or is recruited to maintain them. It's really that simple Sounds like a case where you can't stand to have anyone review your work.

I submitted the ebuilds in good faith in the hope they would help myself
and others get the portage tree wrt ROX up to date and correct
breakages. In that my "spacing" was not liked, or my "descriptions" were
too long is irrelevant.

No, it isn't irrelevant. We strive to make the portage tree to be of high quality. Why settle for less?

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