2005-10-19, Petteri Räty sanoi, jotta:

> I thought that when I am bored I

Join GDP Finnish translation team! We're still short one followup
translator and pile of alt-arch stuff at least before getting official
status and linkage. ;-)

> might translate the longdescriptions
> in metadata.xml files to Finnish.

Hmm, can I suggest some QA or similar stuff for these before
committing? I don't fully know what's the visibility of this stuff
though, but I'd feel much nicer if they were at least proofread or peer
evaluated once before providing them to public. I don't mean to
question your Finnish capabilities of course, I've just participated in
Finnish localisations of Open Source things long enough to know how bad
Finnish some people can produce.

> While thinking about it the
> following problem came to mind: When the English descriptions are
> updated there is no way currently to mark the other translations as
> outdated. I think it would be create to have a modified attribute
> [...]

Well, I'm no expert on Portage tree stuff of course, but isn't that a
bit too complex for the problem. I mean, if some description gets
changed so crucially that translations need to be updated -- which as
far as I understand shouldn't be too often -- wouldn't it be enough to
just drop the old translations? If you really need automatic
notification on changes in these things, cvs mailing list or CIA bot is
easy way to see them.

Flammie, Gentoo Linux Documentation's Finnish head translator.

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