Ciaran McCreesh wrote: [Tue Nov 22 2005, 12:17:47PM CST]
> On Tue, 22 Nov 2005 12:03:49 -0600 Grant Goodyear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | I keep hearing this, isn't there a real difference between a stage 1
> | and a stage 3 install inasmuch as somebody who needs (or wants) to
> | dramatically tailor what's in the system profile can choose to do so
> | from a stage 1 or 2, but would have to remove packages after the fact
> | if starting from a stage 3?  I wouldn't have a problem with that, as
> | long as we document it
> emerge -e world && emerge -e world && emerge depclean

Cool.  Why rebuild twice?  Any chance we could add this to the FAQ?

> | but it just seems that the claim that the old and new methods produce
> | _exactly_ the same results seems to be stretching things a bit.
> How do you think stage3s are built in the first place?

Sorry, poor phrasing on my part.  Of course it's true that if one
follows the handbook (either the current or the previous version), then
one ends up with the same system regardless of whether or not a stage1,
stage2, or stage3 is used.  What I intended to suggest was that
tinkering at the system level is less obviously accomplished when
starting from a stage3, so the occasional assertion I've read that
starting from a stage 1 or stage 2 provides no benefits over starting
from a stage 1 or 2 didn't seem right to me.

In any event, I don't mind the handbook changes, although I'd perhaps
like to see the FAQ for starting from a stage 1 fleshed out a tad, such
as including a paragraph of why one might not want to do that.  Perhaps
steal from whomever posted a treatise on the issue some time ago (either
rac or avenj, I don't remember which)?

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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