On Mon, 21 Nov 2005 11:19:17 +0100
Paul de Vrieze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 18 November 2005 18:09, Homer Parker wrote:
> >     Now that GLEP 41 (AT/HT) has passed, we need to designate a
> > subdomain for their email. This will cover AT/HT's as well as forum
> > help, so needs to be generic. So to start with let me throw a
> > couple out:
> >
> > @staff.g.o
> > @assist.g.o
> >
> >     Thoughts, better ideas appreciated.
> Why not just @at.gentoo.org
> Makes clear what it is. Arch testers are not staff. Not that we have
> any staff.

Can't we just let the whole subdomain stuff die and be done with it? If
not, I'd like to propose we make a vote amongst all current devs with
the options:
- give ATs a @g.o email
- give them a subdomain
- give them no mail
- don't care
Just to get some numbers how many people actually want this subdomain
crap. I don't think there are many.


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