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Lance Albertson wrote:
| All of those of course are true. I guess I'm thinking more in the large
| picture of things. Retiring non-active devs isn't something I'd exactly
| call 'ground breaking' :-). I know there are things being worked on now
| that will probably be in that category. I was mainly looking at the long
| term flow of ground breaking progress we've made. Sure, we've made lots
| of great improvements, but I'm concerned that we have too many
| subprojects all working in their little world and no one really looking
| over the whole project making sure things flow together well. There's no
| one out there who's responsibility is to track all these subprojects and
| make sure things are flowing right.

Shouldn't that be the council's job?

| I dunno, I just get the impression that people fear having a goal to
| work on and would rather just let things work out in a random way (like
| they have been for a while now). I'm not wanting to take the fun out of
| this, but I feel more structure and less redtape would help make us move
| forward faster and better.

More structure and less red tape ... How do those two work together? I
feel like they're connected -- a more structured organization will have
more bureaucracy and more red tape.

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