I've been cleaning up media-fonts/ to work with modular-X, and I see a
lot of ebuilds with stuff like this:
    for font in *.bdf; do
        /usr/X11R6/bin/bdftopcf ${font} > `basename $font .bdf`.pcf
    gzip *.pcf

For having 100 files in *bdf, this is so serial it's painful.

While this is a daunting task to accomplish, it would be worthwhile for
developers to attack poor coding like this and replace it with nicer stuff.

The above for example should be replaced with a small makefile:
%.pcf: %.bdf
        bdftopcf $< -o $@
%.pcf.gz: %.pcf
        gzip -9 $<
BDFFILES = # files go here
PCFFILES = $(BDFFILES:.bdf=.pcf)
PCFFILES_GZ = $(BDFFILES:.bdf=.pcf.gz)
        rm -f $(PCFFILES) $(PCFFILES_GZ)

Is this really too much work to get developers to do? I don't think so.

(And no, this email wasn't prompted by one of ciaranm's diversions about SPARC 
having many CPUs).

Robin Hugh Johnson
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