
First of all might need to say that I'm not myself a
gentoo user. 

I've just been trying to implement
fbsplash/splash-utils within my distro, which is a
custom lfs.

I've compiled last version of splash-utils with
mng-support, against klc-1.2. The kernel I'm using is
2.6.14 (patched as well against vsa-tng).

I've tried without success make all of this run
properly, but I find the following problems, maybe
anyone can bring some light on this:

I can't see any text as specified on the config file
when I boot form a cpio (splash_geninitramfs) image.

I've been trying activating either vesafb and
vesa-tng, toghether with different options on the
command-line, such as video=.....,tty:[number], plus
different combinations of console=tty[number], and
CONSOLE=/dev/tty[number], with no success at all.

The thing is, when I try locally, this works. I mean
if I start splash_util in daemon mode, set the silent
tty to it's proper number (usually /dev/tty8), the
text labels specified on the my cfg file are rendered,
not so when I generate a cpio image with
splash_geninitramfs, and boot it.

I can also see icons in *local-mode*, better said,
start and stop services, which I couldn't try yet
within a cpio image.

Another question I've got is, how is mng-support
used?, I've been looking at splash-utils' source code,
and can guess a anim option whithin the cfg file could
be something like this:

anim [silent|verbose] [once|loop] path_to_file x y 

Although for sure the're something short or not
correct at all, I'm just talking from memory.

Could anyone tell something about? I'll really
appreciate it. 

I've been hardly googling for this, but it seems like
between the original bootsplash, different versions
and specs form spock through out
fbsplash/gensplash/splash-utils development, plus my
basic knowledge about programming, turns available
documentation into a complete mess.

King Regards,

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