On Tue, 2006-02-28 at 11:58 +0100, Patrick Lauer wrote:
> Hi all,
> at FOSDEM we had a nice discussion about languages, translations etc.
> Having people from the US (wolf31o2) who never have problems and people
> from Japan (usata) who always have problems with encodings /
> charsets / ... was quite interesting.
> During that discussion we realized that having utf-8 not enabled by
> default and no utf8 fonts available by default causes lots of
> recompilation and reconfiguration. 
> Enabling the unicode useflag in the profiles should help our
> international users and should not cause any problems. Are there any
> known bugs / problems this would trigger? Any reasons against that?
> If there are no objections this should be a small but helpful change.
> On a tangent I wonder if pulling in extra fonts as a dependency of X
> makes sense (useflag controlled, enabled by default) - that way the
> unicode capabilities are available without any configuration.

I forget where I read it but I thought that unicode lead to overflows
and was considered a general security risk. I wish I knew where I read
that but I'm unable to find it.

Any list readers know anything relating to that?

Gentoo Linux

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