Hi Donnie,

On 3/23/06, Donnie Berkholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think I'm understanding your intent here, because I've read
> things two different ways. My main goal is to allow easy contribution by
> non-devs, via allowing them to commit directly to some overlay. How is
> that possible in your vision?

That's possible because

a) non-devs can be given commit access to the overlay's svn/a.n.other repository
b) non-devs can be given create/edit access to the overlay's wiki / GuideXSL

I do this already for the overlays I host on svn.gnqs.org.  I can't
migrate those overlays to overlays.g.o if we don't grant non-dev
commit access!

The confusion is probably because, in the original vision statement, I
said that these things would only happen for overlays setup by, and
for, official projects.  I wanted a disctinction between who could
commit to overlays run by projects, and who could commit to overlays
run by individual developers.

However, if the concensus is that we want non-devs to be able to
commit to individual developer overlays too, we'll make that possible.

Best regards,

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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