On Tuesday 04 April 2006 11:12, Chris Bainbridge wrote:
> Surely the question isn't whether the upgrade is perfect, but whether
> it's better than the current stable release?
It is not.

> 'find /usr/portage/kde-base -name '*3.4.3*.patch' |wc -l' shows 15
> patches, 3.5.1 has 11 patches, and 3.5.2 has 6 patches. (I realise
> that isn't a perfect patch count...)
Some of the patches are not in files/ for 3.5.x series. Also, many of the 
problems faced are more severe than 3.4.x series up to now.

> As far as I can see the *ebuilds* for kde work fine. If the newer
> versions of kde have the problems you describe, then they should be
> package.masked.
There's a big difference between theory and practice. We already get enough 
request to mark 3.5 stable (hell we had request to mark it stable when there 
were at least two systematical crashes for everyone), two weeks after 3.5.0 
release IIRC, if we were to put it under package.mask, we really would be 
submerged by bug reports and mails about that.

Anyway, ~arch is not technically broken as we patch that as soon as humanly 
possible, so it's not a p.mask kind of problem (a part from umbrello, but 
that's no news at all).

I can ensure you we'd like to mark 3.5 stable as much as you do, probably even 
more as there are fixed things, but it's not possible for now.

Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò - http://dev.gentoo.org/~flameeyes/
Gentoo/Alt lead, Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, AMD64, Sound, PAM, KDE

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