Grant Goodyear wrote: [Fri Apr 28 2006, 01:55:01PM CDT]
> It's not quite true that the Council votes on GLEPs, but that's not
> really germane to your overall point.  

Oh, that was your point.  Mea culpa.

Okay, to address that point, the way that the current system works is
that a GLEP is sent to the GLEP editors, and assuming that it is not
obviously going to be DOA it's generally added to the website.  At that
point, if they haven't already, the GLEP authors initiate a discussion
on -dev that is supposed to be iterative.  The authors are supposed to
revise their proposal to account for comments and ideas from the
community.  When the authors feel it is ready, they ask for the GLEP to
be approved.  At that point the GLEP is sent to either a project lead
(if it falls under a specific project) or the Council if it crosses
project boundaries for approval.  I assume that the only part of the
process you would really wish to change is who does the approving, and
perhaps removing the initial send-it-to-the-editors step.  In reality,
though, the approval process is rarely the rate-limiting step.  In
almost all cases, a stalled or failed GLEP either never gets sent for
approval, or is approved but never gets implemented.

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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