On Sun, 2006-04-30 at 22:36 -0500, Jon Hood wrote:
> Hey Patrick,
>     I agree, tar.bz2 is the way to go when possible, but I have many
> friends on old bsd-based systems and some old linux boxes I must
> maintain that don't have bzip2 support. Normally if I know a package I
> write is going to need to go on an older system, I'll package it in both
> formats, but there are times when bz2 is just not an option.
Is that a problem in the sense "it doesn't run at all" or is it "they'd
need to install extra dependencies" ?

>     That having been said, it IS an option in 95%+ of the cases I deal
> with, and for being on a cable modem, bzip2 has saved quite a bit of
> time (and money) in the past.
I just did a conversion run over all of distfiles just for fun (~10h on
an AMD64)

Input: 15634581 kB
Output: 13462050 kB
Difference: ~14%
Compared to my earlier run with ~830M this has less difference, but I
think users would appreciate a reduction of 10-30% of their downloads. 

Stand still, and let the rest of the universe move

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