Peter wrote:
On Thu, 08 Jun 2006 02:42:03 +0200, Stefan Schweizer wrote:


I have founded a new Gentoo Project for the Gentoo User Overlay.

The intention is to give contributors a single place to put their ebuilds -
a place where they can be downloaded, updated and be moved to portage more
easily than through bugzilla. It is also a good place for users who would
like to become developers to learn how to commit and how to not break the

I think this answers an important shortcoming of the bugzilla approach:
vis, some bugs will never make it to the tree -- for any number of
reasons. Take, for example,,
which has an enhancement request for what is now called beyond-sources. A
amalgamation of the arch, ck, tiger, nitro, and suspend2 sources. While on
the kernel, IRC, I enquired about it, since I had just updated an ebuild
for it, and was told unequivocally that there was no interest on the
kernel team's part for adding this source tree to sys-kernel. Not maybe,
not let's have a look at it, not come back in a month after testing. Just

And, I'm fine with that. That's their job -- to protect the quality of
their project, and to keep things relatively safe and manageable.

Nonetheless, the bug is active, with a good number of people subscribing
to it and contributing to it. The sunshine overlay would be an ideal place
to store a kernel source tree or any project which would never find a home
in portage.

If the ebuild will never find a home in portage, then it shouldn't be officially supported.
What you are proposing is like to setup a parallel portage tree.

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