On Friday 09 June 2006 02:53, Stefan Schweizer wrote:
> > It also doesn't answer the questions of security and maintenance.  Are
> > genstef and jokey going to be responsible for the security of every
> > single package in the overlay?
> Yes, we will be acting upon all issues that we hear about.


> > that is neither supported security wise, nor is
> > ensured that the ebuilds have a minimal quality (do not fubar a users
> > system).
> we do support it security wise, we will be reacting upon security issues.
> We do have package.mask support in the overlay and we are going to use it.
> The ebuilds have a quality, repoman is required to be run. Also
> contributors should be knowing what they are doing - they are submitting an
> ebuild to the sunrise overlay, it needs to follow certain standards.

See, I don't go over this bridge, that an overlay of arbitrary packages, with 
varying skills and knowledge needed, can be decently controlled with very few 
people caring and not having a security team backing you up.


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