What is the proper quoting style for using epatch? In the tree there
are about 3 different styles...

        epatch ${FILESDIR}/some-fix.patch      # used by 7326 ebuilds
        epatch "${FILESDIR}"/some-fix.patch    # used by 3092 ebuilds
        epatch "${FILESDIR}/some-fix.patch"    # used by 1434 ebuilds

What is the proper quoting style for defining the S variable? In the
tree there are about 3 different styles...

        S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}    # used by 5270 ebuilds
        S="${WORKDIR}"/${MY_P}  # used by 43 ebuilds
        S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}"  # used by 2259 ebuilds

What is the purpose of setting DEPEND and RDEPEND to "" if DEPEND and
RDEPEND are optional[1][2]? Isn't that just a waste of disk space /
bandwidth? DEPEND="virtual/libc" seems like a waste too as it is an
implicit system dependency[3], any reason for using it?

        DEPEND=""             # used by 1479 ebuilds
        RDEPEND=""            # used by 884 ebuilds
        DEPEND="virtual/libc" # used by 809 ebuilds


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