There is a problem here for the java folks...Technically, their
migration-overlay is an overlay, and technically, that overlay is
currently unofficial.  Therefore, technically, if it is against the
rules for projects and/or devs to use bugzilla for unofficial
overlays, then it is against the rules for the java team to use
bugzilla for their migration-overlay.

As for the fact that the migration overlay is in the process of being
moved to o.g.o, "in the process of" doesn't mean it's already been
done, and until it's finished, the above statement stands.

Props *and* apologies to the java team for this, but it looks like you
need to move the overlay *before* you finish the migration process

As for java being a project and sunrise not being a project, if it was
the intention of devrel to stop unofficial *projects* from using
bugzilla, then that's how they should've worded their ruling.


P.S.  I do beleive that devrel may have been a little out of line in
doing this.  People need to think about the consequences of making
(potentially far-reaching) rulings like the one made in this case.
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