Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Jul 2006 20:42:27 +0200 "Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò"
> | > Setting CFLAGS and praying is not asking for something. Setting a
> | > MY_X86_CPU_DOES_THIS_MKAY variable is asking for something.
> |
> | And if you know what your CPU does, is it that difficult to tell the
> | compiler to use them?
> Yes. That -msse -mnosse2 stuff is a nasty hack, especially when one
> remembers that for years we've been screaming at users for doing just
> that.

I could find a million threads in the forums supporting what Ciaran is
saying here. We have been told over and over and over until my head
feels bashed in that MMX/SSE, etc... are NOT TO BE PUT IN CFLAGS!! THAT

Every developer who has ever commented on one of these threads has
always agreed with that. Put it in USE not CLFAGS.

To change this behavior now after all this time would be crazy IMHO.

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