Duncan wrote:
> excerpted below, on  Fri, 14 Jul 2006 13:24:26 -0700:
>>> Per-package use.mask is not here for another year and in the mean time I
>>> needed a working solution, this is it.
>> It think we can have it sooner than "another year".  There are lots of
>> fixes in 2.1.1_pre and I'd like to close the merge window pretty soon so
>> that it can be stabilized.  I'll work on a patch for package.use and
>> package.use.mask so that we should be able to have it in a stable 2.1.1
>> release within a month or two.
> PMFJI but don't we have to keep compatibility with old versions for a year
> (well, from my read, I believe the precedent is 10 months) after the change
> hits stable, or did the discussion I remember reading a bit of decide say
> 6 months was enough?  
> Even if EAPI is used, previous policy would have put it nearly a year from
> now, as EAPI was only introduced with 2.1.0, or was it backported?
> I've seen discussion of both points above, but no definitive policy
> changes.  If I've missed the decisions, others may have as well, so
> maybe others will find the answers helpful too.
EAPI support was in for the 2.0.X version of portage, released on Dec.
1st 2005.  Generally we wait 6 months (one release cycle) for new features.

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