On Saturday 15 July 2006 13:41, Ned Ludd wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-07-15 at 17:45 +0100, Daniel Drake wrote:
> > The local root exploit-of-the-week would have been unable to run if our
> > users systems had /proc mounted with nosuid and/or noexec
> >
> > It would be worthwhile considering making this a default. What are
> > people's thoughts?
> I mailed Mike about this very thing a month ago. Pretty sure it should
> be showing up in an upcoming baselayout. But yeah it's a good idea for
> the nosuid part anyway. Not 100% sure about the noexec part as that
> might break upx which calls /proc/self/exe as part of it's decompresser
> routines.

this will be in baselayout-1.12.2+

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