On Fri, 11 Aug 2006 16:46:33 +0200
Jeroen Roovers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I explained from the outset that this change pertains to stabilisation
> bugs. If you are not an arch dev, then why are you taking the opposite
> side in a discussion of stabilisation bugs which by their very nature
> only pertain to arch devs?

Well, first off you asked for comments; "RFC".  If I have something to
say, I'll say it, even if I'm not immediately affected.  You don't have
to agree, or even pay attention ;)  That said, as I described in my
previous email, my concern was that if it becomes policy to attach
`emerge --info` instead of inline for stabilisation bugs, that policy
might expand to all bugs which would have a negative impact for me.
However if the rule is only for "pass" `emerge --info` data then I
don't object.

> > Another idea is for ATs to attach emerge info if the package passes
> > for them, but in-line it if it fails.  If the package fails on one
> > arch for a given set of USE/FEATURES, other arches may well be
> > interested to check if the failure also affects them.
> If it fails, the AT should open a separate bug and make the
> stabilisation bug depend on it.

Good point.  

> You said so yourself:
> "Stabilisation bugs shouldn't be doing problem resolution; if a bug is
> found during stabilisation testing it should be raised as a normal bug
> and set as a dependency of the stabilisation bug."
> I absolutely agree with this. I assume now that you agree with me that
> debugging info, including `emerge info`, should *never* be inlined in,
> or even attached to, stabilisation bugs.


Kevin F. Quinn

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