On Tue, 3 Oct 2006 13:46:03 -0400
Mike Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 08:09:08 -0400
> Chris Gianelloni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You missed games-* (yes, all of them) via the games.eclass, but I'm
> > sure there's a couple more eclasses that do user/group modification.
> Oops, I forgot to account for eclasses. I'll redo my script and run it
> again later to account for that.

The script has been re-written and run again, results are posted[1].
The script itself is in my svn repo[2].

This most recent run gives a total of 992 ebuilds, from a total of 511
different packages all currently using enewuser or enewgroup. Not
counting the games-* ebuilds (which all are using the same line from
games.eclass), that's 657 ebuilds, from a total of 245 packages.

The tree at the time of this run has 24854 ebuilds from 11578 packages.
So, while that looks like a lot of affected packages at first glance,
it's only about 4% of the tree.

[1] http://dev.gentoo.org/~pioto/creandus/enewusergroup-pkgnames.txt
[2] http://svn.pioto.org/viewvc/creandus/scripts/scantree-enewusergroup.bash

Mike Kelly

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