On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 03:23:00PM -0500, Seemant Kulleen wrote:
> Third, the best proposal I've seen here is for developers to get shell
> accounts on alternate architectures.  There's quite a few of them
> floating around, and I'm pretty sure the arch teams will help you get a
> shell on one of the boxes somewhere.  Some of the arches even have shell
> boxes for that purpose sitting at OSU or something.  This would work for
> at least the console applications (the visual stuff will be a little
> trickier).

Just to add a little thing here:

Arch teams have been using vnc through ssh to test visual stuff like
gnome, kde, xfce and their respective mothers, for years.

So testing visual stuff remotely *is* possible.

- ferdy

Fernando J. Pereda GarcimartĂ­n
Gentoo Developer (Alpha,net-mail,mutt,git)
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