Lance Albertson wrote:  [Tue Nov 07 2006, 01:55:39AM EST]
> Personally, after skimming through this thread, I'd say leave it as is
> and stick with Kurt's decision. Our developers clearly have nothing
> better to do than rant on about something as trivial as this. I
> especially didn't like the "lets take this to the council first"
> approach. I'm with genone on the "I guess people can complain to the
> council every time emerge output changes" crap. I can't believe what I
> read on here...
> People, this whole thread is silly and a disgrace to our user base to
> even read. I'm half tempted to submit iggy's vote-devs-off-the-island
> GLEP :P (Thanks SpankY for reminding me about that).

Hi Lance,

I appreciate that infra have put some thought and effort into setting
up SPF for, but I don't think the complaints are silly.  To
recapitulate what's been said: some devs are having trouble sending
email, infra's posted documentation is wrong, and infra hasn't
provided suggested configs in an easily-accessible manner.  Email is
pretty central to Gentoo development, so could you provide some help
instead of smacking people down?  :-(


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