Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

> On Wed, 03 Jan 2007 01:26:03 -0500 Doug Goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> | > On Tue, 02 Jan 2007 18:28:05 +0200 Petteri Räty
> | > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | > | Well I was under the impression from zmedico that it completely
> | > | works.
> | > 
> | > zmedico has too much faith in my powers. I'd like to remind him that
> | > I'm only Jesus, not the big guy himself.
> | 
> | Is it me or is it getting a little stuffy in here? Can someone open a
> | window and let out some of Ciaran's ego?
> Last time someone opened the window your sense of humour and ability to
> recognise when someone is not being literal flew out. Wouldn't want a
> repeat of that accident...
Ciaran you're right in that it was obvious you were joking. I'd like to ask:
did you implement this? If so, how (see my post above.)

One thing bothers me tho: you must have known that you'd get that kind of
response by now, surely? For a start a lot of the gentoo crowd seem to be
US citizens, and they're typically a hard crowd when you start taking the
piss out of their religion. On top of that you seem to have fallen out with
a lot of devs in the past. Although from the archives you have put in a
sh*t load of work, and personally I have agreed with much of what you have
said, and the way you have said it *in context*, you gotta be aware that
kind of joke wouldn't go down well.

Why do you put yourself there?

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