Steve Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Sun, 17 Jun 2007 20:08:13

> Josh Saddler wrote:
>> As we've established earlier, being closed-source is not sufficient
>> reason for removing any program from Portage; you should have read the
>> rest of the thread.
> No but fascist license conditions are; you should have read the ion3
> discussion.

Personal feelings about fascist licenses aside (sig says it well enough), 
it seems to me the resolution is pretty much settled, so there's little 
more to discuss.

1) Given the current situation, permanent unstable would seem the best 
possible Gentoo could do.  How could one sanely argue for stable?

2) Someone mentioned actually, you know, /asking/ them!  <g>  We'll never 
know if they'll change until we do.

3) Beyond that, it would seem to be up to the package maintainer.  If he 
wishes to ask, and gets a positive response, great.  If not, well, is it 
worth it to him to continue dealing with it in the tree as permanently 
unstable?  There doesn't seem to be any huge Gentoo policy conflict in it 
remaining in the tree as long as there's a maintainer wishing to do the 
dirty work on it, as long as /is/ clearly permanently unstable.  If 
upstream won't work with us, well, I guess users have yet another use for 
package.keywords, if they wish to continue using it.  The Gentoo policy 
should be clear enough (and can be made clearer with appropriate ewarn or 
the like messages, if necessary).

4) Another alternative would be to remove it from the tree, but maintain 
it in the official VoIP overlay.  Again, if they maintainer wishes, I 
don't see a policy preventing that, either.

5) Again, beyond the permanent unstable if it /does/ remain in the tree, 
it's primarily up to the maintainer.  Thus, if they don't wish to handle 
it, they can drop it, and if no one else does either, well, it'll be out 
of the tree /and/ official overlay.  Someone could then put in in an 
unofficial overlay, or possibly it could go in Sunrise or other 
supervised user contributed overlay.*

So at this point it's pretty much up to the maintainer.  Why are the rest 
of us still discussing it?
* Did the discussion on a sunset overlay or the equivalent ever go 
anywhere, or did that get merged into sunrise, or... ?

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