Hash: SHA1

Joe Peterson wrote:
> I suspect
> "not" is the way it was set up, since clearly all posts to the new
> -dev-announce will not be technical, and so they should not be relayed
> to -dev automatically.  Anyone know?

I like the idea of auto-crossposting, but for those who need it here is
a nice procmail recipe to handle either case:

:0 Wh: msgid.lock
| formail -D 8192 msgid.cache

:0 a:

This maintains an 8k cache of message IDs and tosses any message it has
already seen.  Then you can send both -dev and -dev-announce to the same
folder and get every message once.

If you're like me and have 14 email addresses forwarded to the same box
the rule is invaluable in general.

Note - I'm not responsible if the code above destroys your system or
loses mail - understand procmail before you use it...
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